A Christmas Caper

beer and coffee and christmasThere’s nothing like a good caper… except for maybe a Christmas caper. I believe Christmas capers are actually a step above regular capers because of their festive nature.  The particular caper I am going to tell you about can be summed by the picture you are looking at.

What do you see?

  • Christmas [check]
  • Coffee [check]
  • Pint of Mill Street Vanilla Porter [check]
  • Caper [not so sure]

Here’s how it went down —

I’ve been tweeting Mill Street as well as local beer establishments to find out when they would be serving Mill Street’s seasonal Vanilla Porter. I had it nailed down to where in the neighbourhood I would be able to enjoy a pint; however, my wife and I had been so busy that I was never able to go in an actually try some.  I complained to my wife that I was doomed to miss out this year. ModernHouseDad doomed

Well, my wife being the awesome 20-week pregnant mom that she is, decided to visit a bar in the neighbourhood that also serves coffee.  She barged through the door belly first and looked the coffee barista in the eye and said, “One large coffee cup, please!” ModernHouseDad Christmas Caper2

“What would you like in it?” he asked.


She then proceeded to the bar on the other side of the establishment flashing her pregnant belly around for all it was worth and ordered a pint of Vanilla Porter.

The bartender looked at her strangely wondering if we were back in the 50s and she needed something to calm her stomach.  The couple sitting near the door also gave her an interesting look.  Regardless, the beer was ordered and my wife escaped to a dark and foreboding corner in the bar where she quickly poured it into the coffee cup, then got up and left, leading as always with her baby belly.

The bartender watched her as she passed.  The couple watched her as she passed.  Together their thoughts intermingled and collectively expressed, “not only is she drinking while pregnant, but she shot-gunned that beer in record time. What an alcoholic.”IMG_1500

When she got home, I noticed she had a coffee.  “What a caffeine-aholic,”  I thought.  But no… it wasn’t caffeine.  It was much better and more nourishing than caffeine.  It was Vanilla Porter!  Oh… sweet Vanilla Porter!

What a wonderful Christmas caper courtesy of my wonderfully sneaky wife.  Best present!

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