Makeshift Entertainment #3: iPad Camera App

toddler ipadWhile there are many fun and engaging iPad apps for children of all ages, my
20-month-old son’s current favourite is the camera app. You may be thinking, Wow, the boy is ahead of his time honing his photography skills at such a young age. Such a statement would make me puff out my chest in pride for the little guy, though I’m a little unclear on the extent of his talent at this point.

After watching the clip below please help me understand what is going on. Does my son have super-human eyesight capable of seeing microbes in motion or is he engaged in some form of makeshift entertainment?

9 thoughts on “Makeshift Entertainment #3: iPad Camera App

    1. I was chatting with a friend and he too had discovered folders full of identical pictures taken by his children when they were younger. Have you had a similar experience?


  1. I think he just likes the sound of the camera clicking. And he is making art. An artistic soul like his should not be stifled.


    1. He is very musical… And that clicking sound is intoxicating. I think… [click, click, click…] I’m feeling a little loopy.


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